Stop SHOULDING yourself

Imagine this scenario for a moment… You are walking quietly down Kanyamgwala Street to pick a bus to Kathonzweni, then from the blues this son of soil shows up and yells at you that you should lose some weight, or you should be a better mother, you should be this, you should be that. Right […]

…is IQ Overrated?

When Professor Richard Muller, the Author of ‘NOW, the Physics of Time’ was asked to comment on the whole hullabaloo about IQ, he had this to say; “‘Intelligence,’ as measured by IQ is a ridiculously over-rated parameter. I’m constantly meeting people who are clearly more intelligent than I am (in the IQ sense) who have[…..]

Nursing your HEADSPACE!

Outside their homestead, three girls Aurelia, Alisa and Amber sang their favourite skipping rope rhyme, “babligan babligan number 28 I went for a walk but know I stop underbreak,” their best shot at the song “Public van, public van number 28. I went for a ride but now I stepped on the break.” The children[…..]

FUTILE THOUGHTS: silencing the psychological drama

Don’t let scary psychological drama in the theatre of your mind threaten the beautiful realities at the centre of your life! Thoughts are things. And whereas they cannot be weighed in ounces, the very things they produce can be weighty. By  their thinking one may become limited, through the same, another may break through their limitations. […..]

Who Runs the World? GIRLS? A Case for Emotional Intelligence       

The waves of feminism have shed light to anyone who doubts, that women are equal to the task of taking charge of their own destinies, that of organizations, companies, industries and even countries. And, when such opportunities are not given to them, these powerhouses have also demonstrated beyond any doubt that they can put up[…..]